Friday, December 16, 2011

Abstract Assignment: 2-5 (SORRY, FORGOT TO PUBLISH THIS!)

2. I painted the background black. Then I added a gradient, distorted it with wave, then polarized it so it had radial symmetry. Then I twirled it so it spiraled inward. Then I changed the hue and saturation so it was blue. Then I duplicated and inverted the duplicate and adjusted it so it sat on top of the old layer. Then I merged the layers.

3. I put an image in the background and put a massive Gaussian blur on it. Then I used the elliptical select tool to select roughly half of the image. in a new layer I made a white line along the edge of the selection. Then I rotated it and put it into place on the side of the image. Then I repeated the process with different sized lines. Finally I mad the lines different colors and darkened the background.

4. I added a gradient to the background, then I added a black layer over it. In that layer I did RBG lights and set it to overlay. Then I put clouds over the t layer and set that to overlay and gradient overlay. Then I made another black layer and added noise. Then I made an 'A' out of lines and put a lens flare in the nebula.

5. I added two lens flares and purple clouds. Then I twirled it so it swirled into a vortex. I then added duplicate layers with max saturation and different blend modes.

Sphere of eternal roundness (SPHERE FINAL)

I finished the sphere today. It took three attempts (and a lot of masking) to get the primary cast shadow. hopefully It came out well.

Oh yes, I labeled the layers as well.

Monday, December 12, 2011

White ball

I started work on a ball today. The ball itself was the easy part. The hard part is the *shudder* cast shadow. This is what it looks like so far:

Friday, December 2, 2011

Abstract assignment: 01

I used lens flare in the center, then I foreshortened and duplicated it. Then I distorted it with wave. Then I used twirl and duplicated the twirl. Then I turned the hue blue and saturated it. This is the final product:

Monday, November 28, 2011

Home is where the heart is...

The house is finished. I don't know if it is my best work but I believe it is done. Here is the pic:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

birds of feather...

I added crows to the house for athstetics. There are a total of four and they are all one layer. In also killed the grass but it looks like someone mowed it from beyond the grave. next time i have to add tufts to make it look overgrown.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

building a house - brick by brick (or erm... pixel by pixel)

I continued the house today. I boarded up a window and broke a pillar. I hope It turns out good when I'm done.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Photoshop architecture

I continued to work on the house today. I used one window to get the reflections off (most) of the other windows. I added a crack to another window. I also began to break one of the pillars at the front of the house, which I will finish next time. The house currently looks like:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


forgot to post last time. last time I worked on the house a bit more building up the foreground.

 Today I began to work on the house, and now I have to go so I'll update next time.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I began creating the scenery for the haunted house. I took a valley and placed storm clouds in the background. Next class i am going to continue to build on this.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

House Hunting

I have to find a house to turn into a haunted house. I haven't had much luck so far though. Hopefully I can get started on giving the house a "makeover" next class.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Rage Quit

I finished the fruit today. I found an amusing picture of a person rage quitting. One set of directions later I got:
As a bonus I created a GIF to go with it.

delays... delays...

I started the apple last class. I have the fruit, but not the face yet. Hopefully I can finish and get caught up with everyone else.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sorry about the delay...

...But  I got Spider-Doo finished finally! The black suit face was interesting to make because I had to overlay two saturation masks. The finished product looks like:

Thursday, October 13, 2011


The *shudder* facial webbing is half done! Hopefully I can finish next class. It looks good on the black suit head so far though:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sentient fruit

We were told what the next assignment was today. We are going to have to put a face on an apple, making it look as real as possible. sadly Spider-Doo is not done yet, the *shudder* facial webbing is truly the most evil thing about this project... hopefully i will get an opportunity to finish.

Friday, October 7, 2011

...Can he swing, from a web...

Spider-Doo construction continued today. The facial webbing is truly a nasty piece of work. Not to mention I have to do it twice! Hopefully I can finish next class period.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Does what ever a spider-doo does...

Spider-Doo production continued today, now all I need to do is make facial webbing for BOTH Scooby heads.
The heads would look better with some shading but for some reason the saturation masks prevent it. otherwise it is coming out good.

Monday, October 3, 2011


I continued working on the Spider-Doo today. I used the warp tool to shrink Spidey's head so it was hidden behind Scooby's. I also used a mask and was about to saturate the head. I will saturate the head and begin working on the other Scooby head next time.

Delayed thursday post

Sorry about the delay, I forgot to post last Thursday. We had to start a "Spider-Doo" basically sticking Scooby Doo's head on Spider-Man. Basically morphing one image onto another. my image will be tricky because my image has a reflective surface in it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Zebrhina final

After some shadows, saturaton, and healing brush the Zebrhina is complete. The final product looks good to me but the position of the eye still bugs me. If I could I would move it down, but that would distort the stripes in the process and it will not look as good. Here is the finished product:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

DA ZEBRHINA!!! + Font Collage

Today we began a project that involved morphing a zebra with a rhino using photoshop.

Seriously, the hardest part was the head! even now the eye is in the wrong position, but it's irreversible now....
The current product looks like:

 In addition, here is my Font Collage! Enjoy the fonts and a magnificent background of delicate arch:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I like the layout, I see nothing wrong with the site. I also like how there are timers counting down to both the big event and the lesser event. The custom thing (I don't know the term for it but I think it's a browser.) at the would catch the eye of most people who visit your site. I say that it is good, but that's only my opinion.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Selection Final

I chose a picture of a runner and used the polygon selection tool to cleanly remove the background. I chose this image because it looked the easiest to do. The product looked like:

Then I stuck it on a new background:


Yesterday we had to get ten fonts from that site. So basically that day was just a look and download day. We are going to make a collage (hopefully I spelled that right...) with the fonts, but not today. (Sorry this is late, but I forgot to write yesterday.)

Statue of Liberty

I had to remove a blue sky from the background of the image cleanly. There was an instance when removing the background where one of the edges of the brick base of the statue was damaged. Instead of starting over though, I managed to repair the damaged edge with a line. the finished product looks as follows:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Dog

This was a new thing I had to do with the healing brush. The hardest part was removing the telephone pole from the trees. Vegetation can be a MAJOR pain when it comes to photoshop. It did come out looking good in the end though.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Re: Animation ( what I did today)

Today I made an animated GIF in Photoshop. It can be viewed in the previous post. Now I wonder: what other potential does Photoshop have?

My Random Animation

I swear, this is one of the most random things I have done. The animation is supposed to be the guy getting angry then breaking down, then reforming. Then the animation loops. Sorta worked too, this was the final result:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Liquify Tool - Final

I had to start over, my last one did not look as good. For the final I had to put the layers side by side, add tesxt, and apply effects to the text. I still say that Photoshop still needs some getting used to but the effects can be interesting and fun.

Healing Brush: the finished product. (healing brush final)

After putting on finishing touches and removing the last of the posts and the car I ended up with this "masterpiece". The hardest part was lining up the sidewalk and adding new areas of street. You can see where the street looks slightly deformed as a result of blending the street.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Healing Brush : WIP

Today I worked with the healing brush tool. The task was to get rid of all the poles/signs.
The WIP so far looks like:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Liquify tool - 1

Two days ago, I had to use photo shop to transform a guy (left) so he looked like someone else. This was my first attempt, so it did not come out well (right). I learned that you need very small movements if you want it to look good.

1st Post...
