Monday, November 28, 2011

Home is where the heart is...

The house is finished. I don't know if it is my best work but I believe it is done. Here is the pic:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

birds of feather...

I added crows to the house for athstetics. There are a total of four and they are all one layer. In also killed the grass but it looks like someone mowed it from beyond the grave. next time i have to add tufts to make it look overgrown.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

building a house - brick by brick (or erm... pixel by pixel)

I continued the house today. I boarded up a window and broke a pillar. I hope It turns out good when I'm done.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Photoshop architecture

I continued to work on the house today. I used one window to get the reflections off (most) of the other windows. I added a crack to another window. I also began to break one of the pillars at the front of the house, which I will finish next time. The house currently looks like:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


forgot to post last time. last time I worked on the house a bit more building up the foreground.

 Today I began to work on the house, and now I have to go so I'll update next time.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I began creating the scenery for the haunted house. I took a valley and placed storm clouds in the background. Next class i am going to continue to build on this.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

House Hunting

I have to find a house to turn into a haunted house. I haven't had much luck so far though. Hopefully I can get started on giving the house a "makeover" next class.