Friday, October 21, 2011

The Rage Quit

I finished the fruit today. I found an amusing picture of a person rage quitting. One set of directions later I got:
As a bonus I created a GIF to go with it.

delays... delays...

I started the apple last class. I have the fruit, but not the face yet. Hopefully I can finish and get caught up with everyone else.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sorry about the delay...

...But  I got Spider-Doo finished finally! The black suit face was interesting to make because I had to overlay two saturation masks. The finished product looks like:

Thursday, October 13, 2011


The *shudder* facial webbing is half done! Hopefully I can finish next class. It looks good on the black suit head so far though:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sentient fruit

We were told what the next assignment was today. We are going to have to put a face on an apple, making it look as real as possible. sadly Spider-Doo is not done yet, the *shudder* facial webbing is truly the most evil thing about this project... hopefully i will get an opportunity to finish.

Friday, October 7, 2011

...Can he swing, from a web...

Spider-Doo construction continued today. The facial webbing is truly a nasty piece of work. Not to mention I have to do it twice! Hopefully I can finish next class period.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Does what ever a spider-doo does...

Spider-Doo production continued today, now all I need to do is make facial webbing for BOTH Scooby heads.
The heads would look better with some shading but for some reason the saturation masks prevent it. otherwise it is coming out good.

Monday, October 3, 2011


I continued working on the Spider-Doo today. I used the warp tool to shrink Spidey's head so it was hidden behind Scooby's. I also used a mask and was about to saturate the head. I will saturate the head and begin working on the other Scooby head next time.

Delayed thursday post

Sorry about the delay, I forgot to post last Thursday. We had to start a "Spider-Doo" basically sticking Scooby Doo's head on Spider-Man. Basically morphing one image onto another. my image will be tricky because my image has a reflective surface in it.